برنامه یاد بعضی نفرات
سه شنبه 15 اسفند 1391 - 18:57

albume rahe bipayan nazir nadare,navazandegi,tanzim,melodi,vocal,hameo hame darjaye khodeshon binaziro perfectan,faghat pakhshe album&etela resani kheily zaeefo bisaro seda anjam shode ke in khodesh baese kam lotfie asasi be in albume darkhore setayesh shode ast...aghaye nikpour baese eftekharin,be omide movafaghiathaye rozafzon dar ayande,vaghean khaste nabashid ba rahe bipayaneton ke fazaye jame mosighie maro monavar kardin,gosh dadan va dashtane in album liaghat mikhad!!!cheshme hasedan kooooooooor

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